Nuffnang adds

Monday, August 23, 2010

my phone hilang!

hello.. how r u guys out there? me? owh i cant answer this question rite now... i really dunno what happen to me rite now.. because yesterday my phone was gone.. gone for forever.. haha.. actually i wanna say thanks a lot to perompak telefon saya tu.. actually my phone sgt gila.. only me yang boleh tahan dengan handphone tu.. haha just like i said just now, my phone really crazy.. im very glad org yang curi tu.. kalau tak, memang tak akan bertukar telefon la..


  1. haha..ko bli hp pe dok?
    btw sjak ko tukar url ni,tiap kali ko update blog ak ak kne cek la mcmni

  2. ntah la.. ingt nak pakai blackberry tp abg aku tak bagi.. sbb dia kata tak bagus.. ntah la aku tak thu la..
    ko kene edit kat frens kot..
